Friday, June 18, 2010

3 projects going and a HUGE thank you.

First I want to thank everyone who has voted on SYTYC and guessing which is mine. (I will tell you once the auditions are over and post a tutorial on it) Only two more days and I will find out if I have advanced on. 


I have about three current projects going and tons spinning in my head.  I am making my BFF's little girl a peggie house and dolls for her birthday, complete with some furniture. Along with two additional houses, I figured I am painting and such I might as well do bulk. I have thought about selling them on (its like my favorite site). But...we shall see, its a lot of work, but they are soooo worth it in the end.  Plus, I really enjoy doing it.

My third project is a yard sale find that is like a dream come true.  Here is a before picture, just wait til this little beauty is done. Can you guess what its going to be?

Thank you again for the support in SYTYC!  Today is the last day!!

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